With the aid of technology, it is possible to create 3D models through the reconstruction of 2D medical imaging data, such as CT scans and MRI images. These are examples of 3D reconstruction using open-source visualization software, employing both direct and indirect volume rendering techniques. These 3D models serve multiple purposes, including patient education and treatment planning, as they offer spatial information of complex anatomical structures.
Tara M. Mulyawan – Arterial System of the Brain

Karen Lacey – Indirect Volume Rendering of a reconstructed pelvis

Shona Cumming - Comparison of CT to 3D vs X-ray to 3D
3D reconstructions of human anatomy are a transformative technology with a wide range of applications, particularly in advancing personalised medicine in orthopaedics. They are especially valuable for surgical planning and the development of medical devices. With the help of Axial3D machine learning algorithms to automatically segment the bones of the knee from both CT and biplanar X-ray data, this research quantitatively analysed the accuracy of 3D knee reconstructions derived from CT scans versus those from biplanar X-rays for patient-specific applications, with careful consideration given to the biplanar X-ray 3D reconstruction method.