Designing Future Experiences: People, Products, Places in 2032
InFebruary this year, a Work-in-Progress exhibition took place at the University of Glasgow’s Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre (ARC) to celebrate two futures-focused projects undertaken by the GSA Innovation School’s final year BDesProduct Design cohort and the Master of European Design (MEDes)students.
The two projects, run in partnership with the University of Glasgow’s AdvancedResearch Centre and the Centre for Civic Innovation at Glasgow City Council, spanned the local to the global exploring themes ranging from regenerative futures to open citizenship and the value of collaborative creativity in defining how people might live and work together in the near future.
As the inaugural exhibition held in the ARC gallery space, the students’ work was enjoyed by public and professional audiences, culminating in a Private View closing event which brought together the expert community of practice who worked with the students and faculty, along-with Innovation School alumni, industry, friends and family.
Both projects will be showcased in full at the GSA Degree Show, as part of theProduct Design programme’s exhibition, which opens to the public on Friday 2nd June in the Haldane Building, 30 Hill Street G3 6RN. The Degree Show is open daily to the public and closes on Sunday 11th June.

This year’s BDesFuture Experiences project is entitled
Regenerative Futures: From Global to Local Development in 2032.
Working with an expert community of practice from the University of Glasgow’s Advanced Research Centre (the project’s partner) and a wider expert group of academic and professional stakeholders, the students, faculty and experts co-researched, explored and designed speculative future worlds and experiences of regenerative global and local communities and systems leading towards equitable health, economies and citizenship in ten year’s time. We explored the three domains of Health, Economies and Citizenship from two complementary perspectives: Local and Global - envisaged as a series of FutureWorld exhibits, and designed as the future experiences, products and services for the communities who might live and work within these worlds.The project was led by Kirsty Ross and Prof. Nicol Keith.