This innovation project,“Co-designing Solutions”, through engagement with a diverse group of stakeholders in the housing sector, ultimately aimed to co-design recommendations that could improve the overall Off Site Construction (OSC)process and enable wider adoption.
The Innovation School at the Glasgow School of Art were commissioned to design and deliver a series of iterative co-design workshops, to identify, develop and test possible solutions and improvements to increase the level of OSC housing in Scotland. The project brought together perspectives from across the construction sector to explore the innovation challenges and opportunities around offsite construction through the practice of co-design, in collaborative events in the East, West and North of Scotland.This approach involved cross sector stakeholders following an iterative process of progressive problem solving to develop and refine options. In total the project engaged 63 participants and 42 UK organisations at participatory workshops across Scotland.
Utilising the knowledge, experience and perspectives of the critical stakeholders from the OSC industry, the affordable housing sector, the private housing sector and the broader supply chain, key insights were uncovered, analysed and developed. This resulted in a detailed series of Innovation Actions which have the potential to be taken forward as suggestions to stimulate innovation in OSC, and also to act as a catalyst to help achieve the government’s goals for OSC in the affordable housing sector.